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Maximize Google Traffic, Improve Visitor Retention, and Build a Strong Brand Image with your own community ... without much management overhead

. : Open or Private Forums + jQuery Mobile App: . forum software for your online community

Friendly web communities running our ASP.NET forum software:

For years, Virgin Atlantic & US Coast Guard have relied on our community software
to help their pilots and guards stay in touch, both on and off duty -

My primary focus was providing a tool that Coast Guard field units throughout the United States could effectively use to share knowledge and experience amongst themselves as well as command entities on a timely basis.

The ASPPlayground.NET Forum software meets these communication requirements, including the ability to share documents and graphics, providing an intuitive and user friendly interface for a satisfying user experience.

Greg J. Ozzimo | United States Coast Guard

#1: The Unique ASP Playground Advantage:

Why APG vNext (ASP Playground version 5) ?

We help you create engagement by making your community more 'Attractive'

Creating an online community today involves much more than setting up a forum and waiting for people to come:

Traditional forum software doesn't offer much help. The Internet has evolved significantly while most forum solutions remain too passive with a plain forum index homepage. People have shorter attention span today and if they don't see relevant stuff upfront, they leave.

More users are using mobile devices to access the web today than ever. If you don't have a dedicated mobile friendly interface, user experience may suffer and people are less likely to stick around.

Forum spam is a huge problem, and people will become frustrated and leave if they don't see spam removed in time. Traditional methods like using captcha or enlisting moderators are either ineffective or too slow, because we're now dealing with human spammers that are trained to circumvent these measures.

Here's how APG vNext solves the problems for you ...

The software comes with detailed permission settings that give you complete access control, and it also has tools like content scroller and an optional blog-inspired homepage that help you promote your community outside the usual discussion format.

We also offer official jQuery Mobile app support, and an interactive HTML 5 based UI (drag'n drop upload, AJAX interactions, etc.) that meet users' new expectations for the social and mobile web.

Akismet, an automated web spam filter is integrated in the software. It frees you up from dealing with spam manually which is very time-consuming. When you have members who place their trust in your community, it's vital that it's safe and free from malicious ads or phishing attacks. Nothing beats the feeling of knowing you're being protected by the most powerful spam filter in the world.

- Last but not least: Poor performance leads to low user experience and search engine rankings -

APG vNext is battle tested with HUGE communities online. You don't have to shut down features as your community grows. We also make the system easy to scale out (no session object used). One of our clients deploy the software to 9 web servers for their enormous audience.

To Find Out More about Our Software, Take a Feature Tour »

We use this software for, supporting 70,000 users and 2.5 million of posts. It has never let us down despite this heavy load and nearly constant usage.

Ron Kuper |

Get Started Now. See Packages & Pricing...

-- page last updated: Monday, September 30, 2024

What Other Communities use our software?

Organizations use our forum software to build
public facing communities

When Susan G. Komen Foundation needed a message board for their members to discuss cancer treatment options and get support from others, they chose ASPPlayground.NET. Their community is now home to more than 25,000 members and hosts more than 350,000 discussions.

EVGA, a successful computer video card maker, started their customer community 9 years ago from scratch with our software. Their community is now a hub for more than ~2 million members and hosts thousands of daily discussions.

In the fitness industry, MuscleTalk UK is now a daily hangout for more than 55,000 avid body builders and have created a strong sense of community which helps their members find tips, training materials and supplement info every body builder would love to know.

So far they have more than 4.6 million discussions, and it is running ASP Playground, too.

"Community of Practice" gathers professionals
to share their knowledge

AuntMinnie is the first Internet community for radiologists and related professionals in the medical imaging industry. More than 35,000 professional members are spending time meeting, researching and collaborating on topics in the radiology field. 

DrBicuspid has a relatively young community with about 2600 members. This content rich site is dedicated to general dentists, specialists and other dental professionals. They are currently using ASP Playground to organize comments to their articles.

Our community software helps clients in tech industries
provide responsive customer service

Cakewalk, a hardware products creator for modern audio production, supports more than 70,000 customers with peer-to-peer support using our ASP.NET forum software. With a vibrant community in place, it makes customer support possible without incurring huge overhead.

GFI, an award winning software solutions provider for small to mid-sized businesses, created an online support community for their customers to ask questions about their product offerings as well as distribute news for upcoming product releases.

More than 25,000 customers signed up over the last 8 years and this community plays an important role in their support system till this day.


Of course, it takes MORE than a well built software to create great communities online (e.g. passion, dedication and a good strategy). We're very proud that ASP Playground has played a part in their success and contributed to their community growth over the years :)

EVGA has been using ASP Playground for our community forum for 9+ years... The software runs fantastic; it’s fast even under load. Our main community can post about 200 times per hour, and over 16k concurrent users at our peak, it keeps up without an issue.

Joe Darwin | EVGA

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